a. Body fluids transport nutrients to the cells and
carry waste products from the cells.

b. Total body fluid (intracellular and extracellular)
amounts to about 60% of body weight in the adult,
55% in the older adult, and 80% in the infant.

c. Thus, infants and the older adult are at ahigher risk
for fluid-related problems than younger adults;
children have a greater proportion of body water
than adults and the older adult has the least
proportion of body water.

Constituents of body fluids

a. Body fluids consist of water and dissolved

b. The largest single fluid constituent of the body is

c. Some substances, such as glucose, urea, and
creatinine, do not dissociate in solution; that is,
they do not separate from their complex forms into
simpler substances when they are in solution.

d. Other substances do dissociate; for example, when
sodiumchloride is in a solution, it dissociates or
separates into two parts or elements.

One Response so far.

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