1. Cardiovascular

a. Thready, increased pulse rate
b. Decreased blood pressure and orthostatic (postural)
c. Flat neck and hand veins in dependent positions
d. Diminished peripheral pulses

2. Respiratory: Increased rate and depth of respirations

3. Neuromuscular
a. Decreased central nervous system activity, from
lethargy to coma
b. Fever

4. Renal
a. Decreased urinary output
b. Increased urinary specific gravity

5. Integumentary
a. Dry skin
b. Poor turgor, tenting present
c. Dry mouth

6. Gastrointestinal
a. Decreased motility and diminished bowel sounds
b. Constipation
c. Thirst
d. Decreased body weight

7. Hypotonic dehydration: skeletal muscle weakness

8. Hypertonic dehydration
a. Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes
b. Pitting edema

9. Laboratory findings
a. Increased serum osmolality
b. Increased hematocrit
c. Increased blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level
d. Increased serum sodiumlevel


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