The process of imaging deep structures of the body by measuring and recording the reflection of pulsed or continuous high-frequency sound waves. It is valuable in many medical situations, including the diagnosis of fetal abnormalities, gallstones, heart defects, and tumors. Also called sonography.

Materials/ Equipments Needed:
·         Clear gel
·         towel


1.    Explain to patient the procedure and its purpose.
2.    The mother lies on an examining table and is draped for privacy but with her abdomen exposed.
3.    To prevent supine hypotension syndrome, place a towel under her right buttock to tip her body slightly so the uterus will roll away from the vena cava.
4.    A gel is applied to the abdomen to improve the contact of the transducer. (be certain that the gel is at room temperature or even slightly warmer- rationale: to avoid uncomfortable uterine cramping)
5.    The transducer is then applied to the abdomen and moved both horizontally and vertically until the uterus and its contents are fully scanned.
6.    Wipe the clear gel gently with a towel at the end of the procedure.

Diagram/ Illustration:


Nursing Responsibilities:

BEFORE Procedure:
·       Before an ultrasound, the woman needs a good explanation of what will happen. Also tell her that it is safe for the father of the baby to remain in the room during the test.
·       To ensure that the mother has a full bladder at the time of the procedure, she should drink a full glass of water every 15 minutes beginning an hour and a half before the procedure.
·       Instruct the mother not to void before the procedure.

DURING Procedure:
·       Explain to patient the procedure and its purpose.
·       The ultrasound technician may apply a clear gel to the skin in order to help the transducer more freely over the body.
·       Ask the patient to relax while the procedure is going on.

AFTER Procedure:
·       Allow mother to void.
·       Allow the mother to take home a photograph of the sonogram image which can enhance bonding because it is a proof that the pregnancy exists and that the fetus appears well.

Reference: http://www.google.com.ph/search?hl=en&q=ultrasonography+in+pregnancy&meta=&aq=0&oq=ultrasonograph


5 Responses so far.

  1. Andrea says:

    i had it sone several times and wanted to learn more about it. thanks!

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